Nanyan Numerals

An Interesting Way to Write Numbers

Nanyan Numerals

Nanyan Numerals

December 26, 2020 12:00 pm

If you read the Ancient Chronicle, you’re sure to notice some special symbols in the chapter headings.  The chapter number and title both include the Nanyan translation.  Though it makes sense that the title is indecipherable, it may seem at first that the number is equally incomprehensible.  However, I assure you there is a simple (well, simple in concept anyway) meaning to them. (To make the numbers easy to render in this post, I’m using the symbols | O Θ… Read more

What is Postdiluvian?

December 10, 2020 9:00 pm

Postdiluvian is a space fantasy book series about a civilization of people descended from those living off world at the time of the Great Flood.  It started as the idea “What would happen if the antediluvian civilization had a space program?  Would that not be inconvenient to be in space if some global tragedy destroyed the world?”  From that kernel of an idea grew the idea of the Nanyanin and all the bits of culture that went with them. At… Read more

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